Ultrasound Therapy

Healing wave treatment

Ultrasound therapy utilizes high-frequency sound waves to target deep tissues. This non-invasive treatment generates heat within the body's tissues, which can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

  • Clinical studies found that continuous, low-intensity ultrasound resulted in significant pain reduction for people with myofascial pain in the should and neck.

  • Reviews found that ultrasound therapy reduced knee and shoulder pain. They’ve noted that research strongly supports its use for knee pain .


  • Reviews have indicated that ultrasound therapy might be more effective with other treatments rather than done in isolation.

  • Ultrasound therapy is not safe to use:

    -If you are pregnant

    -Over the spine or eyes

    -On parts of the body where there is an active infection

    -If you have a pacemaker or another device that regulates heartbeat

    -Over broken bones

    -Over any areas with implanted medical devices

    -Over or near areas with cancerous tumors